Fictitious Name and “Doing Business As” (DBA Name)

When a company does business operating under a name other than its legal name, it is necessary to also register this alternative name with the state or/and at a country level.

Once registered, the fictitious name must be renewed with a periodicity that depends on the state in which it was registered.

The Company Maker will take all the necessary steps to register all the fictitious names required by the company and will also notify you of their expiration, in order to keep your entities protected in this regard.

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Fictitious Name and “Doing Business As” (DBA Name)

When a company does business operating under a name other than its legal name, it is necessary to also register this alternative name with the state or/and at a country level.

Once registered, the fictitious name must be renewed with a periodicity that depends on the state in which it was registered.

The Company Maker will take all the necessary steps to register all the fictitious names required by the company and will also notify you of their expiration, in order to keep your entities protected in this regard.

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Fictitious Name and “Doing Business As” (DBA Name)

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